It’s Just Bill

It’s Saturday! What kind of idiot rides out the pandemic in his bathtub? Jimmy Kimmel checks in with comedy legend Bill Murray for an insightful long-distance interview… from Bill’s bathroom.


Heading Into the Weekend

It’s Friday! I’m greatly looking forward to the return of Nascar racing this Sunday afternoon at Darlington. That will be the first of an accelerated schedule that will continue through the following weeks, with the Cup series racing about every three days. I’m definitely up for that.

I noticed when the Trump administration doesn’t like what its own experts say, most recently Rick Bright, they get moved out and trashed publicly. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Dr. Fauci to be the next target because Trump continues to contradict his directions. I understand everyone wants to get back to work but I can’t help get the feeling we’re setting ourselves up for more deaths, possibly significantly more. There’s a story going around that goes something like this:

There are people on a boat. One guy decides to dig through the floor of his cabin and water begins to flow in. Other passengers are pissed but it’s the guys own cabin, so why should it matter? Personal choice only goes so far when we’re all in the same boat.

Okay, let’s wrap this week up with some amateur goodness and the usual Friday double babes & double jokes… enjoy!


Keep, i’m so glad I found your web site during the quarantine because it has been a great source of badly needed entertainment. I thank you for that and would like to submit a screen-shot from a recent video chat with my girlfriend. She’s not much of a show-off but I’m glad she is for me. Keep all the good coming! -Anonymous

Back To The Future Reunion

It’s Thursday. I’ve mentioned this before but one of my favorite movies growing up was Back To The Future. So when I saw that Josh Gad was reuniting the cast and creative crew for a discussion on all things BTTF, I couldn’t resist checking it out. Michael J. Fox, Lea Thompson, Christopher Lloyd, and many others have a great conversation about making all three iconic films.


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