Slip Sliding Away…

It’s Sunday! When even Mother Earth wants you dead…


West End Girls (Lockdown Version)

It’s Saturday! I started listening to the Pet Shop Boys back in high school. They were extremely popular in the 80s & 90s and have continued to make good music. They recently released a new version of their song West End Girls and created a video to go along with it. I really like it so I thought I’d share it with all of you. Go ahead and check it out if you’re interested. 


Friday Goodness

It’s Friday! It sounds like we have some nice weather on tap for this weekend out here in the Chicago suburbs. Businesses are starting to open up along with restaurants that are setting up extended outdoor seating. Meanwhile it appears there are states still trending upward with coronavirus cases like Alabama, South Carolina and Virginia. That’s a little scary.

Protesting continues but thankfully the majority are peaceful.

Anyway, I have a small collection of amateur goodness to share with all of you today. This is the second set that this person has sent in and like the others, they really don’t look amateur at all. Actually, they’re way too good to be considered amateur. So, I say enjoy these exceptional non-amateur photos along with the usual Friday double babes & double jokes!


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