Spring Has Sprung

It’s Monday. I hope everyone had a good Easter. The girlfriend and I took a spin down south to spend Easter Sunday with her parents and sister. We had some good food and plenty of goodies as well. It was a really nice trip until on the drive home I looked down at the dash and noticed that the engine light had come on. Everything seemed to be running well, but that damn engine light is never a good thing. Now I gotta go and get that checked out today.

Aside from the dreaded engine light, it was a really nice weekend. It appears that Spring has arrived because the temperatures are going up and everything is getting green. We probably haven’t seen the last of the horrid white stuff just yet, but at least things are progressing in the right direction.


Damn engine light…


Forgotten Automotive Goodness

It’s Friday! This is the story of a man who passionately assembled a remarkable collection of muscle cars and how a crippling addiction led to their unfortunate deterioration. Told by his daughter, she recounts the tale of her father’s love for rare muscle cars and his ability to select unique, one-of-a-kind automobiles to preserve them for future generations. It’s an incredible story that just breaks your heart seeing priceless classics lost to neglect. Give it a watch if your interested.

Okay, it’s Friday so that means it’s time to wrap up the week with double babes & double jokes! Enjoy!



It’s Thursday. I saw this on the news yesterday and wondered what the story was. Turns out a driver with a revoked license was speeding in the South Loop, lost control of his car, and plowed into several other cars—one of which he managed to get wedged underneath. Not surprisingly, the driver was taken to the hospital with a head injury. It’s just me, but I strongly suspect this wasn’t his first head injury.


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