NASCAR: Full Speed

It’s Wednesday. On January 30th Netflix will release their new series NASCAR: Full Speed. Full Speed follows the 2023 NASCAR Cup Series playoffs down to the final championship race, with exclusive behind-the-scenes access to the top drivers and teams in the series. It will also show what life is like off the track and how competing in one of motorsport’s biggest series affects the drivers and their families. Watch for it next Tuesday!


Quite A Stunt

It’s Tuesday. Yikes! American Wakeboarding pioneer Brian Grubb pulled off an extraordinary stunt that combined drone Wakeboarding and BASE jumping. It started 965 feet above sea level atop the famous sky bridge at Dubai’s Address Beach Resort. And well, it all went downhill from there!



It’s Monday. Mother Nature took a huge dump on our neighbors in Northern Indiana over the weekend. There were areas that got over 3 feet of the horrid white stuff which thankfully we avoided. Our problem for the last couple weeks has been sub-zero temperatures and drifting snow. However, we are supposed to enter a warming trend starting today.  Warmer temperatures and rain should help wash away all this snow and salt. I’m definitely looking forward to that.

Spent the weekend mostly indoors. We did take a drive out to the Kankakee River Saturday afternoon to check out the ice jam that was causing flooding to some of the homes along the river. The nearby power plant was going to start releasing some of the warmer water from their cooling lakes directly into the river to help melt the accumulated ice and force it downriver. With the temperature expected to get above freezing and rain in the forecast, I can only see conditions getting worse out there.

And winter isn’t done with us yet.


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