Nascar Weekend

It’s Monday. Rain. It always rains on Nascar weekend in Chicago. My girlfriend’s son got us some free tickets to the race, so we decided to head into the city on Sunday to check it out. We got up there a couple hours early which gave us time to see the Keith Urban concert in Grant Park and grab some food. I’m not much of a country fan, but Keith put on a good show.

With it being a street race, I knew going into it that getting a good view of the action would be tough. It’s not like an oval track where you can see the entire layout. Instead all you can see is a few hundred feet to your left and right. We opted for the concert stage where you could see NBC’s coverage on two large screens. When the rain hit we decided to pack it up and head downtown. It was fun, but I think I’ll stick to watching the road course races from home.

Gonna have another slice of Geno’ East and hit the sack!



It’s Friday. So, you’re probably wondering what’s been going on, specifically why my site was down for the past couple days. I originally took it down to post the criticism of the Supreme Court’s decision concerning presidential immunity. I intended to leave it up for only one day, but when it came time to write my next update, I just didn’t feel like doing it. And the day after that I didn’t feel any different. The truth is I’ve been contemplating taking the site down for a while now. The problem has been motivation. I’ve been running this site since 1995 and have always done it as a hobby. I’ve always rejected advertising, but for the first time I’m beginning to entertain the possibility either accepting advertising or taking it private on a subscription basis. At this time I haven’t made any decisions, so for now the plan is to keep things going as usual.

Anyway, today I have a new amateur photo from a reader who has contributed photos of herself before. I very much appreciate her generosity and always enjoy featuring her photos. I also have a special Independence Day Weekend gallery of babes. I originally intended to feature them on the 4th, but that didn’t happen, so better late than never, eh?


Hi Keep. Third time I’ve submitted. Maybe you will find it worthy of sharing. Thanks. -Anonymous


It’s Monday. We had some rain on Saturday so the girlfriend and I took a spin to Naperville for dinner. Sunday was much different. On Sunday it was absolutely gorgeous—sunny with temperatures in the mid 70s. I cranked up my tunes, washed up the Corvette, played with Abby, cleaned up the garage, listened to the Nascar race in Nashville, soaked up some sun, and then went to a cookout for dinner. It was just one of those perfect summer days to enjoy being outdoors.

Damn, it’s July already! With the 4th falling on a Thursday, there’s a lot of people that’ll be taking Friday off for a 4 day weekend. Not a bad idea, eh?


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