Another Day

It’s Monday. Here we go into another week and it feels an awful lot like last week. Hell, if I didn’t write what day it was in the beginning of my daily updates, I’m pretty damn sure that I wouldn’t know what day it was. With each day feeling like the last, the repetition is starting to get to me.

My girlfriend is a nurse and had to work on her first COVID-19 patient over the weekend. She’s works in a closed off unit that’s fairly isolated, so she normally doesn’t get COVID-19 patients. Fortunately their unit had the proper equipment and supplies to protect themselves. Still scary, though. There needs to be more testing, though. Lots more.

On a lighter note, I enjoyed the second virtual Nascar race on Sunday. The level of realism continues to blow me away. I’d really like to see them get every Cup driver involved instead of the current mix of multi-series drivers. It was definitely fun to watch and I’m already looking forward to some short track racing next week at the virtual Bristol Motor Speedway!

Okay, as a sort of pick-me-up to get everyone motivated for Monday, I decided to go with a Babemania collection of 50 for today. Enjoy!



IRacing In Texas

It’s Sunday! Hot damn tamale baby, they’re doing it again! Nascar and iRacing are teaming up with Fox Sports to broadcast the virtual race at the Texas Motor Speedway today at noon (CST). The previous race in Homestead-Miami was a huge success and now many other sports are going virtual. If you missed the race last week and are curious what this is all about, grab a beer and some munchies and tune in to FS1 today at noon (CST) and check it out.



C8 Front Engine: What If?

It’s Saturday! I came across this video by TheSketchMonkey the other day and was impressed with his rendering of what a front-engine 2020 Corvette might look like.


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