Bad & Good

It’s Monday. The weekend was a split of bad & good for me. Saturday became rainy and washed out Cruise Night in Morris, Illinois. That was a bummer. I was really looking forward to getting out there and enjoying all the automotive goodness. It’s a monthly show, so now I have to wait until next month and hope that it doesn’t rain again. I also tried to go to the weekly car show in Plainfield, Illinois, last Tuesday but guess what—it f*cking rained! Maybe it’s time for me to do my drought dance?

Sunday was nice. It warmed up into the upper 70s, was sunny, and most importantly, it didn’t rain! I enjoyed being outside most of the day washing cars, playing with Abby, and listening to the Nascar race in Sanoma, California. It was really nice.


Weekend Time

It’s Friday! Now that summer has arrived, it’s time to start checking out car shows! I’m looking forward to Cruise Night in Morris, Illinois, this Saturday night. They shut down Liberty Street and pack it solid with hundreds of cars of every type. There’s plenty of food, too, so you can grab a bite at the show while checking out some incredible classic and custom cars!

Nascar will be in wine country this weekend to do some road course racing in the hills of Sonoma, California. That’ll be fun this Sunday afternoon.

Okay, I have a new amateur photo featured today. I also have double babes and a whole bunch of jokes. Sounds like a perfect way to wrap up the week, eh? Enjoy.


Keep, I sent you a donation $$$ and a picture of my lovely girl. Which do you like best? Thanks for such a great site & keep it all coming! -Anonymous

80th Anniversary of D-Day

It’s Thursday. Today marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Every day that passes we lose 131 WWII veterans. And there are now less than 1% that remain. In this clip from ABC News,  David Muir is in Normandy to welcome our returning WWII veterans. Take a moment to watch.


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