
It’s Monday. That is not my picture. We were supposed to get a nasty snow storm on Friday but it completely fizzled out. I saw a couple snowflakes but that was it. Instead the storm hit further south-east near Indiana where it left motorists in the ditches along I57. I wasn’t disappointed in the least. Now that it’s March I’m hoping we’re done with the horrid white stuff.

I caught a few movies over the weekend. A buddy and I saw Cocaine Bear in the theater Saturday afternoon. If you’ve seen the trailer then you probably have an idea just how bizarre this movie was. It was based on a true story about a bunch of cocaine that was dropped from a plane over a Georgia forest and ingested by a 175-pound black bear. I’m guessing everything from that point on was greatly embellished or even completely fabricated, but it was a whole lot of fun to watch!

I also saw the action movie Bullet Train and and Adam Sandler’s Hussle. Both were very good and can be seen on Netflix.

Monday… back to work.


Not Again!

It’s Friday! Well, damn. Here we go again with the horrid white stuff. Just two days ago it was nearly 60 degrees and I managed to get a mild sunburn. And now today we’re in for rain, wind, a wintery mix, and 2-5 inches of snow. It’s like spring was really making an effort but then it was sucker-punched directly in the nuts by winter. You get a little taste of spring and then Mother Nature just pulls it out from under you. Bitch.

If I don’t die in the upcoming weather event, I’d like to catch a movie and maybe the Nascar race over the weekend. We’ll see how that goes.

Anyway, enjoy the weekend and don’t forget about the Double babes and a bunch of jokes… enjoy!


Keep, I have been watching the amateur pictures that you show and it occurred to me that I could do that! I’m no photographer but I think that’s the point, right? Keep it rocking! -Anonymous



It’s Thursday. It’s kinda like dominoes… or maybe bowling?


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