$#!@& Apple

It’s Thursday. If Steve Jobs was alive, I’d kick him in the nuts. My Mom had an older iPad that needed to be replaced. So, being the good son that I am, I bought her a new one for Christmas. Let me get this out of the way right now—I fucking hate Apple. And being the “computer guy” in the family means I get to deal with setting up the new iPad and transfer everything over from her old one. Surprisingly, the setup and transfer of data went smoothly. What pisses me off is Apple likes to streamline is OS by removing any and all buttons. Home button? Gone. So now you’re left trying random gestures to figure out simple navigation and basic operations. How do I see all the running programs? Oh, just swipe from this corner to that corner at a specific speed diagonally. Doesn’t work. Try again. Again. Fucking again! How do I turn the damn thing off? Pressing the power button brings up Siri! Oh, wait, maybe it’s another gesture—but it didn’t respond to my middle finger. Oh, to turn it off you need to press the power button and the volume button at the same time—how fucking intuitive! I know Steve  didn’t design the current iPhone or iPad, but it was him that pushed his design team to eliminate physical controls like buttons to make it more intuitive. Seriously, if there was a way to dig up his rotting corpse, I’d kick him in the fucking nuts.


2023 In Review

It’s Wednesday. Like it or not, the year of 2023 is wrapping up quickly. Featured today is a 7 minute video put together by Vox that’s an impressive summation of everything notable that happened in the world during 2023. You may be surprised how much you’ve already forgotten about.


Just One Left

It’s Tuesday. Yeah, it doesn’t feel like a Tuesday but it is. I hope everyone had a good Christmas. The girlfriend and I split our time Christmas Eve at her parent’s place in the afternoon and mine later that night. Christmas day we got together with her kids and then had dinner with my parents. And done.

If I could change any of that, I’d like just an extra day or two just to stay at home and do nothing. You know, eat goodies and watch Christmas movies. That would be nice.

Well, just one more holiday to go—NYE.


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