It’s Friday! Mother Nature must be pissed. We’re in for another round of the horrid white stuff today which will be followed by a significant drop in temperature over the weekend. I’ve been hearing 6-8 inches and sub-zero temperatures. However, these predictions change so often that they should just admit they have no idea what’s going to happen.
Well, damn. No more Bears games and Nascar has a few weeks before preseason racing begins. What the hell am I supposed to do on Sunday afternoons now? I really hate this time of year.
Let’s wrap the week up in style by featuring a new reader submitted amateur photo. And, don’t forget about the double babes & double jokes as well. Enjoy!
Keep, I follow your website on a daily basis and can’t thank you enough for the work you put into it. I would like you to consider this picture of my girl for the amateurs that you show on Fridays. Make it anonymous please. -Anonymous
Ridiculous Cold
Despite being stuck indoors, I had a pretty good weekend. I took it easy, did a lot of gaming, and we caught the film Oppenheimer, which was excellent.
Since a large portion of the country is either getting buried in snow or dealing with sub-zero temperatures—or even both, I decided to put together a special collection of cozy & warm babes for today. I think everyone will enjoy those.