Infiniti Goodness

It’s Wednesday. A friend of mine has been relentlessly bugging me for years to feature his car here on my site. He’s made numerous threats to me, my girlfriend, and even my dog. I’ve done my best to put him off and have even made up endless absurd excuses, but he refused to relent. The other day he offered me a stack of cash and you know what? It worked!

All kidding aside, featured today is his fine looking 2012 Infiniti G37. It has a retractable hardtop for our limited sunny Illinois summers, a 325 HP naturally aspirated V6 that “Shits and gits”, heated and cooled leather seats, a 9+GB hard drive that stores all his CDs from the 70’s and up, and a Bose 13 speaker system that he cranks up for the sole purpose of pissing off his neighbors.

Sounds like a hell of a nice ride. Thanks for taking the time to send it in, bud!


Beaver Sighting

It’s Tuesday. Who says that a simple beaver sighting can put a smile on your face?

Well, damn, it works.


Hey Keep, Thought you could use some humor these days. Seen this pic, thought of you. -JH

Nascar Weekend

It’s Monday. Rain. It always rains on Nascar weekend in Chicago. My girlfriend’s son got us some free tickets to the race, so we decided to head into the city on Sunday to check it out. We got up there a couple hours early which gave us time to see the Keith Urban concert in Grant Park and grab some food. I’m not much of a country fan, but Keith put on a good show.

With it being a street race, I knew going into it that getting a good view of the action would be tough. It’s not like an oval track where you can see the entire layout. Instead all you can see is a few hundred feet to your left and right. We opted for the concert stage where you could see NBC’s coverage on two large screens. When the rain hit we decided to pack it up and head downtown. It was fun, but I think I’ll stick to watching the road course races from home.

Gonna have another slice of Geno’ East and hit the sack!


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