It’s Thursday. I guess ya gotta do what ya gotta do to fight the boredom…
It’s Wednesday. We had an unusual burst of warmth yesterday that took us into the low 80s and damn was it nice! It’s not too uncommon for the temperature to bump up into the 70s this early in April, but 80 and above is fairly rare.
We decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather by taking the pupper out for a walk. Abby just turned 9 months in April and is now weighing in at somewhere around 55 pounds. Yeah, she’s big. You may remember that she had broke her leg back in December. It healed nicely and you’d never know it happened, unless you see my credit card statement.
With the sun shining down we had her out for a 1.5 mile walk and were mindful to keep our distance from others. It was a little weird walking around and seeing so many people home on a weekday. There were a lot of people out working in their yards and garages. I even seen one guy taking down his Christmas lights. Really, at this point why not just leave ’em up there?
Anyway, with everything else that’s going on in the world, it was nice to have a little bit of normal for a while on a nice spring day.
Amateur Goodness
Tried some of that Coca-Cola Vanilla Orange and it’s pretty bad. Really bad, actually.
With all this free time and being stuck indoors, I’ve been gaming and watching lots of Netflix. A show I want to mention is Dracula on Netflix. I’ve never been much of a Dracula fan, but I watched it on the advice of a friend and it was spectacular! It’s creepy as hell and done so very well. Give it a shot if you’re up for some quality horror.
Today I have some amateur goodness to share with all of you. It comes from a reader in Michigan who has sent in photos of his wife before. So enjoy the photo along with Friday’s usual double babes & double jokes!
Hey Keep, Hope all is well with you and yours. Been several months since I sent a picture of my bride, she will be 54 this year. Please feel free to share if you wish. Keep up the great work and stay safe. -Anonymous in Michigan