How I Know She’s the One

It’s Wednesday. Sent the girlfriend to Home Depot to pick up a can of bug spray.

An hour later and she sends me this picture of her cart with the bug spray and a skeleton in it.

I definitely picked the right girl.


Holy Crap!

It’s Tuesday. His name is Ibrahim Al-Nasser and he just won the Guinness World Record for the Most Video Game Consoles Plugged Into One TV at the Same Time. How many, you ask? Would you believe 444! Check out the video to see this guy’s unbelievable setup!


Not all heroes wear capes. But who needs a cape when you have 444 separate video game consoles all plugged into the same TV?

This masterpiece is the product of gamer Ibrahim Al-Nasser, who just won the Guinness World Record for the Most Video Game Consoles Plugged Into One TV At The Same Time. I’m not sure how much competition there was for that coveted record, but I’m proud of Al-Nasser.

The consoles are connected via 30 RCA switchers and at least 12 HDMI switchers. “I noticed that I had a big stack of gaming consoles that I couldn’t play,” Al-Nasser said. “The TV ports are limited, so I either had to unplug existing consoles or add more switchers and converters.” His solution was to integrate all his consoles through a complex network of switchers. To keep track of the vast network, he’s got it all mapped out on an Excel spreadsheet on a nearby PC, which helps him identify which switcher needs to be activated to display a specific console.

Yes, it’s an impressive gaming setup, but Al-Nasser says it really functions more as a gaming museum. He has nearly every video game console ever made hooked up to a single giant TV. You could, conceivably, get a sample of every era of video game history from beginning to end all in one room.

Can It Be?

It’s Monday. Rain, wind, sun, clouds. Repeat. That’s basically what we had for weather over the weekend. I remember back when I was a kid, August was hot and dry. These days it’s cooler and wet. I miss the heat and a good drought.

The Bears played their third preseason game Saturday afternoon against the Bengals and won 27 to 3. They won the two previous preseason games as well. Our new rookie quarterback, Caleb Williams, is kicking some major ass out on the field. And even more of a surprise, the rest of the team is killing it as well. The media, when not talking about what jacket Simone Biles is wearing, are already talking playoff possibilities. It’s far too early for that kind of talk or even thinking that far ahead. But, for now things look good and there appears to be hope.

They play the final preseason game on Thursday against the Chiefs. Looking forward to another win… hopefully.


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