It’s Tuesday. It was another beautiful day yesterday so we decided to jump back into the Corvette and go for a spin. We spent the afternoon out in the country among the cornfields. We love checking out all the small towns we come upon while letting the roads take us wherever they lead. We ended up working our way south down to Mahomet, Illinois, which is where my girlfriend’s parents live. We decided to drop in on them and had a good time visiting for a while. After leaving her parents, on our way out of their neighborhood we came across a couple assembling a new 8 ½ foot Headless Horseman in their front yard. We both love Halloween so we had to stop and chat with them for a few minutes and get this photo. I was thinking that it was too early for Halloween decorations, but this wasn’t the only one we saw!
Had a great day… not a bad way to spend the holiday.
Keep, I saw the amateur you had on your website last week (the one in the shower) and it reminded me of one i had of my gf. This is my first time sending in a picture, please don’t show my name or email address. Thanks! -Anonymous