Christmas Cards in the 80s

It’s Saturday! If you got your first computer in the 80s like I did, this video will probably bring back a few memories!


Amateur Friday

It’s Friday! It shot up to 65 degrees the other day and it felt fantastic! Took Abby out to the park and just let her run like a wild beast and she loved every second of it. Sadly, though, it looks like that’s about it for our warm mild weather in December. The winter chill has returned and there’s even some of the horrid white stuff in the forecast for this weekend. It was a nice while it lasted.

It has been a good week for amateur goodness so it seemed only fitting to close it out with one more! Enjoy the photo and the usual Friday double babes & double jokes!


Keep, I gotta say that her tattoo is definitely “next” to the best thing in the world! Share with your fans. Your site is awesome. Anonymous please. -Anonymous

Glitter Bomb 4.0

It’s Thursday. Package thieves beware! Introducing the new and improved Glitter Bomb 4.0!


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