Home Again

It’s Monday. Just got home from a trip up to Kalamazoo, Michigan. It was a short weekend trip to attend my niece’s graduation. She’s now a nurse and starts her first professional job in January. She’s a great kid, I know she’s going to be a fantastic nurse and do very well for herself. Couldn’t be more proud of her.

While I was in Michigan we had dinner at Black Rock Bar & Grill in Portage, Michigan. I had never heard of the place, so I was surprised to find out that your food comes to you raw on a plate with a blistering hot rock in the center. They explained that you cook your own dinner right on this hot rock! I had a steak, three shrimp, and two scallops that I proceeded to bathe in garlic butter and cook on this large flat super-heated stone. I have to admit that it was fun and damn tasty! Everybody had a great time and no one sustained third degree burns! And we didn’t even have to sign a waiver! Seriously, how does this place not get buried in lawsuits?

Another thing about Michigan… they had snow. Plenty of it. Abby was in dog heaven!


Snow Boobs Challenge

It’s Friday! I’m heading up to Kalamazoo, Michigan, this weekend. My niece is graduating from medical school so a bunch of us are driving up to see her pinning ceremony and graduation. So far the weather is looking okay, but traveling near the East & South side of Lake Michigan can get tricky during winter. Mother Nature loves to decorate the East & South side of the lake with lake effect snow this time of year. Gotta watch out for her because she can be a real bitch.

One of my readers reminded me about the Snow Boob Challenge last year. I asked all of you to give it a try and send in either the photo or video of the results. I featured one of the videos above to help jog your memory. With winter now in full swing, it would be nice to receive a few that I could feature here on my website.

Anyway, the babes & jokes are doubled today so… enjoy!



It’s Thursday. Nothing to see here, just an ordinary patriotic eagle with a heavy foot driving a Corvette.


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