
It’s Monday. Sorry about the late update but some idiot in our neighborhood hit a transformer pole yesterday knocking out power for roughly six to seven hours. I had figured it must have been something stupid like that because we rarely lose power here, even during nasty weather. The timing really sucked, too. I was watching the race while setting up some new laptops when it went out. I was able to listen to the end of the race on my phone, but the laptop were going to have to wait until today.

Anyway, the weekend up to that point was great!


My Hero


It’s Sunday! In honor of drummer Taylor Hawkins of the Foo Fighters, Rockin’1000 gathered in Paris to perform “My Hero”. They definitely nailed it.


Life Can Be A Struggle…


It’s Saturday! If at first you don’t succeed, try again, and again…


© 2023 The_Keeper Unproductions