Moving Forward?

It’s Thursday. Well, we’re stuck with the orange jesus for the next four years. It’s proof of the old saying by Nazi Joseph Goebbels, “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”. So be it.

Anyway, I put the Corvette into storage for the winter yesterday. I think this is probably the latest that I’ve ever waited to put it away. Generally it goes into storage in early October, but we had an unusually warm October so we were able to use it longer. It was sad to see go, but it won’t be long now before the horrid white stuff starts to fall.



It’s Wednesday. I spent most of the day yesterday avoiding news of the election. I guess I just didn’t want to go through the whole back-and-forth of the process. As I type this there are States that are still counting. And from what I have seen so far it doesn’t look good. Can’t do much about it now.


Election Day 2024

It’s Tuesday. Here in the US it’s election day. I’d like to encourage every American to get out and vote today. If you have already done your duty then I applaud you. It’s the best way to have your voice truly heard.

The way I see it, this is going to go one of two ways. The first scenario is Trump wins. There may be some recounts here and there, but that’ll be the end of it. The second scenario is Harris wins. In the event that she does, you can expect a flurry of MAGA lawsuits, countless numbers of baseless election fraud claims, and threats of violence, and possibly violence itself. Basically, a repeat of the 2020 election.

In other words, if Trump wins then it was a honest election. If Trump loses then it was a corrupt, fraudulent election with the highest degree of cheating ever seen by man, completely devoid of evidence. Let the shit show begin.

Knowing that it was going to be a contentious day, I decided to forego the usual babe of the day. Instead, I put together a special election day gallery of babes to help calm the nerves. Enjoy!


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