It’s Tuesday. It may only be a Tuesday, but I thought I’d go with some amateur goodness for today. Enjoy!
I am sending this at the request of my Master, Karl, because i am a good little slut.
Thank you!
It’s Monday. Okay, I’m starting to lose my patience with Canada. Sure, they’re all really friendly and gave us Bob & Doug, but I’m starting to get miffed about all the smoke from their wildfires funneling down into Illinois. The smoke is blocking out the sun, and well, IT’S BLOCKING OUT OUR SUN! Take care of this, please.
I recently replaced my Moto Z4 phone with a Pixel 7. I’ve had it now for a couple weeks and I really like it. When I was researching the phone, I saw several comparisons that pictured the Pixel 7 with a swanky painted wallpaper (right), but it wasn’t included with the phone. I’ve paged through numerous wallpaper collections and performed several image searches, but so far I’ve come up empty. If you have it or know where I can get it, please drop me a note.
Our garage door opener self destructed Friday night. My girlfriend’s car had a flat Sunday morning, which revealed both rear tires were dry rotted. And the Nascar race in Connecticut was postponed due to rain. I’m glad the weekend is over.
The Million Dollar Shot
It’s Wednesday. His name is Don Calhoun and he won a million dollars by making a half-court shot at a Chicago Bulls game in the 90s. And then the insurance company wouldn’t pay up. Check out this incredible true story with one hell of a twist!