Nightmare Shoppers

It’s Friday! I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Mine was pretty good. I had a good time and ate quite a bit more than I probably should have. But it’s only once a year and the food was damn tasty, so why not?

And speaking of dinner, one thing that’s weird about eating a huge meal like Thanksgiving dinner in the middle of the afternoon is, it messes up your normal eating schedule. You’re still too full to eat again when supper time rolls around, but later that night you’re getting hungry again just before bed. Do you eat another dinner? Instead of making another plate of turkey and mashed potatoes, I solved this problem with a giant slice of pumpkin pie. Gonna sleep like a baby tonight!

If you’re one of those people who hit the stores today, have at it! I’ll be home where it’s warm and toasty doing my shopping online. Let the Christmas rush begin!

Double babes and double jokes… enjoy!


More Pumpkin Pie, Please!

It’s Thursday. It’s that time of the year again, time for my annual viewing of Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. Every year on Thanksgiving morning I watch this 1987 John Hughes holiday classic. If you’ve never seen it, I highly recommend catching it sometime. And, lucky you, CMT is running it from 10AM through 7PM today.

I’m off to my parent’s place to get my fill of turkey, gravy, and several slices of pumpkin pie. Have a good Thanksgiving everyone.


Oh, I put in a few extra Babes for today… enjoy!

Lego Thanksgiving

It’s Wednesday. Everybody loves a parade, right? Okay, maybe not everyone, but here’s one that the kid in you would find cool because it’s made entirely out of Legos! Consisting of over one million Lego pieces, builders inspired by the iconic Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade created a display set among a detailed cityscape that features mini turkeys, marching bands, balloons, and even the big man himself, Santa and his reindeer!

Portions of the parade can be seen at Legoland Discovery Centers located across the U.S.


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