Vega Goodness

It’s Tuesday. At this time of year there isn’t a whole lot of automotive goodness finding its way into my inbox. That’s why I was very excited to see this show up a few days ago from one of my readers. It appears to be a Yenko Vega, but I don’t know enough about these to know if it’s authentic. Yenko Chevrolet was a dealership in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, from 1949 to 1982 and became best known for selling their customized sports cars in the late 60s. These days Yenko cars are highly collectible with some commanding six-figure (and above) price tags. Though the Vega isn’t generally thought of as a muscle car, this orange Yenko might have a thing or two to say about that.

Thanks for taking the time to send it in, JBK!


Hi Keep,

Saw this Chevy Vega up the street (Owner visiting neighbors)
Don’t see many of these around!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Whitehall PA


It’s Monday. It happened again. The horrid white stuff made its second appearance early Sunday morning and continued into late Sunday afternoon. By the time it was finished I’d say we got roughly 2 to 3 inches of accumulation. I took Abby out to the park where she proceeded to happily run and roll around in the snow. I was much less enthusiastic about the snow, but I have to admit that it was fun watching her enjoy it so much. She looks kinda sad in the photo because this was later in our yard and she wanted to stay outside.

I had a good weekend. Did a bunch of gaming and polished off a bunch of leftovers. If it wasn’t for the snow and freezing temperatures, I’d say it was a perfect weekend!

The Bears play the Vikings tonight on Monday Night Football. I’m not sure how that is going to go. At this point I’m just hoping that it’s not embarrassing.


Nightmare Shoppers

It’s Friday! I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Mine was pretty good. I had a good time and ate quite a bit more than I probably should have. But it’s only once a year and the food was damn tasty, so why not?

And speaking of dinner, one thing that’s weird about eating a huge meal like Thanksgiving dinner in the middle of the afternoon is, it messes up your normal eating schedule. You’re still too full to eat again when supper time rolls around, but later that night you’re getting hungry again just before bed. Do you eat another dinner? Instead of making another plate of turkey and mashed potatoes, I solved this problem with a giant slice of pumpkin pie. Gonna sleep like a baby tonight!

If you’re one of those people who hit the stores today, have at it! I’ll be home where it’s warm and toasty doing my shopping online. Let the Christmas rush begin!

Double babes and double jokes… enjoy!


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