Something Missing…

It’s Thursday. Well, damn. One of my readers wrote in the other day after seeing my Car Christmas Tree and pointed out that it was missing a tree topper. He even included a photo of his tree topper. And he’s absolutely right! How could I have overlooked such an important component? I don’t know if I’ll find something worthy this year, but the search is on!


Hey Keep, the tree looks great. I myself have a few of the same ornaments. Not sure if your completely finished, but I noticed you need a topper. IMHO. Probably a hard find. I looked a bit and it’s a slim pickings, but saw this as an inspiration for ya. Maybe you can take the idea an make something more your style with the help of your girlfriend; be a great cold day project. This is just my opinion and you may not dig toppers. Anyway the tree looks really cool and enjoy your content. May y’all be blessed and take care. Sam

A Holiday Classic


It’s Wednesday. It’s that time of the year again, time for the holiday classic “Ding, Fries Are Done!”


Christmas Car Tree

It’s Tuesday. I finished setting up my Christmas Car Tree last night after successfully hanging all 40 ornaments. I know, it’s definitely looking a little crowded on this little 4-foot tree, but for now that’s gonna have to do. Since you can’t see everything on the tree, here’s a quick rundown of the various ornaments. They fall into two basic groups: Hollywood cars and Corvettes.

Starting with the Hollywood cars, I have 4 of the different Batmobiles, 2 Mach 5s, 2 Griswold Family Trucksters, Cousin Eddie’s Motorhome, KITT Trans-Am, Smoky & The Bandit Trans-Am, DeLorean Time Machine, the Mayor’s car from Nightmare Before Christmas, Tron Lightcycle, Tony Stewart #14 stock car, and Lightning McQueen. The rest are all Corvettes that span all eight generations.

Next year there will likely be a few more additions to the list and I’ll have to consider upgrading to a larger tree. But for now, that’s my collection for 2023.


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