Lights Everywhere

It’s Monday. Gloomy and windy, that pretty much describes what the weekend was like here in Illinois. The girlfriend and I went out for a drive Saturday night to check out Christmas lights. I don’t know if it’s the mild winter we’ve had so far, but the amount of people decorating their homes this year is impressive. We ended up out in Orland Park and came across the house pictured above. There’s always one house in the neighborhood that goes all-out and without a doubt this was it! Once you get over the shock of such a considerable display, my first thought is always—where the hell do they store all this crap for 11 months out of the year? The majority of the items are blow-molded plastic figures and they don’t collapse or fold in any way, so they must take up a ton of space to store them all. But impressive it was.

We had a relaxing Sunday. I caught the Bears and Lions game and they surprised everyone by not just winning, but killing the Lions 13-28! Instead of falling apart in the second half, the Bears cranked up the energy and took advantage of mistakes made by the Lions. My only question is, where was this intensity for the first three-quarters of the season?




Amateur Friday

It’s Friday! It was actually in the 50s yesterday and sunny—this is my kind of winter! I was able to take Abby out to the park and not freeze my ass off. Now if it only would stay like this right through April, I’d be a happy guy.

I did get started on my Christmas shopping the other day. It was only a couple things, but hey, that’s a start.

I think the Bears play the Lions on Sunday. Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.

Is it Nascar yet?

Okay, I’m going to wrap this week up with a fantastic amateur photo and double babes & double jokes. I think you’ll enjoy it.


Keep, I will try and do something with a Christmas theme next time. 🙂 -Anonymous

Something Missing…

It’s Thursday. Well, damn. One of my readers wrote in the other day after seeing my Car Christmas Tree and pointed out that it was missing a tree topper. He even included a photo of his tree topper. And he’s absolutely right! How could I have overlooked such an important component? I don’t know if I’ll find something worthy this year, but the search is on!


Hey Keep, the tree looks great. I myself have a few of the same ornaments. Not sure if your completely finished, but I noticed you need a topper. IMHO. Probably a hard find. I looked a bit and it’s a slim pickings, but saw this as an inspiration for ya. Maybe you can take the idea an make something more your style with the help of your girlfriend; be a great cold day project. This is just my opinion and you may not dig toppers. Anyway the tree looks really cool and enjoy your content. May y’all be blessed and take care. Sam

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