Spooky Weekend

It’s Monday. The weekend started out warm and ended with a definite chill. I spent Friday out in the Vette with the top down and the sun shinning. It was absolutely gorgeous outside, but it was also the last cruise of the year because the Vette is headed into winter storage. It’s hard to believe, but summer is over, Fall is here, and Winter is right around the corner.

The girlfriend and I are big fans of Halloween. We’ve been checking out lots of local Halloween displays over the past couple weeks using the Fright Maps app. It makes finding the best Halloween displays extremely easy. I compiled a few photos from our favorite haunts into the gallery below. If you see any creepy or spooky displays, snap some photos and send ’em in. The same goes for your wives and girlfriends. Send in photos of them in their Halloween costumes, or partial costumes!


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