It’s Wednesday. One of my readers came across a rare item Costa Rica—a C4 Corvette. And not just any Corvette, this is what’s known as a Greenwood Corvette. The Greenwood brothers were well known as aftermarket builders who offered performance enhancing packages for the Corvette. Improvements to the suspension, engine, aerodynamics, an even sound deadening—they pretty much did it all. Seeing one of these in out in Costa Rica is definitely a rare treat.
And this is probably a first, but along with the Corvette photos featured below, is also an amateur photo. Enjoy!
Hey Keep – viewer since the beginning and third time contributor. I’ve got a Costa Rican double header for you today! Thought you might like this goodness. I don’t see many Corvettes here on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica – this actually may be the first in eight years of living here – so I had to snap this for you. Maybe it will get you down here! Sweet ground effects on this baby and I love the color – the lighting under the mango tree makes the car look like it’s on fire. And… I threw in a little amateur goodness from one of my Tica amigas. I love the color of her too and she can be fiery! Probably obvious why I love living here…Now…if I only had a joke.. -Anonymous
Tangerine Greenwood
And this is probably a first, but along with the Corvette photos featured below, is also an amateur photo. Enjoy!
Hey Keep – viewer since the beginning and third time contributor. I’ve got a Costa Rican double header for you today! Thought you might like this goodness. I don’t see many Corvettes here on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica – this actually may be the first in eight years of living here – so I had to snap this for you. Maybe it will get you down here! Sweet ground effects on this baby and I love the color – the lighting under the mango tree makes the car look like it’s on fire. And… I threw in a little amateur goodness from one of my Tica amigas. I love the color of her too and she can be fiery! Probably obvious why I love living here…Now…if I only had a joke.. -Anonymous
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