Ultimate Dog Tease

It’s Wednesday. I recently heard that Clark, the dog from the viral video “Ultimate Dog Tease” has passed away. Here’s part of the announcement on his facebook page:

“It is with great sadness that I must tell you that Clark has gone over the Rainbow Bridge to be with his Layla. Our family is very heartbroken over his loss. Clark was such a great personality!!! Mom will miss him following her around the house…”

I’m certain that he was a good boy and he will be missed.


I Want My MTV

It’s Tuesday. It was 1985 and I was in my teens when British rock band Dire Straits released “Money for Nothing” from their fifth studio album Brothers in Arms. It dominated the radio and MTV that summer. The video, the first of its kind, featured an early 3D computer animation of human characters. Crude by today’s standards, but it was groundbreaking at the time of its release. If there was a single song that best defined the 80’s it would be “Money for Nothing”.

I recently came across this video that details the story of how “Money for Nothing” was created. Check it out above. And if you’re not familiar with the song, you can check out the original video below. Enjoy!



It’s Monday. Not one of my favorite weekends. I wasn’t feeling well on Saturday and just hung around the house. I didn’t get anything done, it was basically just a wasted day. I was feeling better on Sunday, but spent it watching the Nascar race at the Glen and then the Bears night game.

And speaking of the Bears, I’m writing this during the 3rd quarter and things aren’t looking good. The score is currently 10-16 with Houston on top. The Bears are simply being out-played. With only one quarter remaining, they’ll need to kick it into gear now to come from behind and win this one.


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