It’s Thursday. Several weeks ago I destroyed my beloved Microsoft Surface Studio 2 computer by accidentally pulling it off of my desk. It hit the tile floor hard and shattered the gorgeous 4k screen. I just sat there looking over the edge unable to believe what I had just done. If there was a silver lining to this mess, it was that while the screen was toast, the computer itself was still in working condition. I was able to connect a monitor to it and continued using it.
I immediately set out upon a quest to find a replacement. I quickly found one on eBay and purchased it. It was a newer model than mine, a 2 Plus, so I was excited. It arrived a couple days later and my excitement soon turned to disappointment. It arrived damaged. FedEx allowed another package to poke a hole in the box and it was enough to go through the packaging foam and damage the screen. I returned it and the seller refunded my money.
A few weeks later I found another 2 Plus and purchased it. This one was located in DeKalb, Illinois, which was only about an hour away from where I live. After having one damaged in transit, I contacted the seller and asked if I could drive up and pick it up myself. He didn’t seem to have a problem with it, so we agreed that I would be there before noon to pick it up. I drove up the next day and it was an easy drive that took slightly over an hour. The address he gave me was to a strip mall with several different businesses in it—none of which were the one I was looking for. I started getting angry. I texted him that I was at the address he provided and he replied that he had already shipped it to me. Now I was beyond angry. I asked why he did that, explaining that we agreed that I would pick it up and he claimed he forgot. I realized that I had driven up there for nothing and my language in my texts became much more colorful. No response. I was pissed. All I could do is drive back home without the computer and wait for it to be delivered. Fortunately, it arrived the next day and it was in good condition with no damage.
I’m relieved that everything turned out okay, but I’m still pissed about wasting half the day to drive up there for nothing. I have to write a review of this seller and even though it turned out okay, I’m still pissed about being lied to and driving to a nonexistent store. It’s not going to be pretty.
I immediately set out upon a quest to find a replacement. I quickly found one on eBay and purchased it. It was a newer model than mine, a 2 Plus, so I was excited. It arrived a couple days later and my excitement soon turned to disappointment. It arrived damaged. FedEx allowed another package to poke a hole in the box and it was enough to go through the packaging foam and damage the screen. I returned it and the seller refunded my money.
A few weeks later I found another 2 Plus and purchased it. This one was located in DeKalb, Illinois, which was only about an hour away from where I live. After having one damaged in transit, I contacted the seller and asked if I could drive up and pick it up myself. He didn’t seem to have a problem with it, so we agreed that I would be there before noon to pick it up. I drove up the next day and it was an easy drive that took slightly over an hour. The address he gave me was to a strip mall with several different businesses in it—none of which were the one I was looking for. I started getting angry. I texted him that I was at the address he provided and he replied that he had already shipped it to me. Now I was beyond angry. I asked why he did that, explaining that we agreed that I would pick it up and he claimed he forgot. I realized that I had driven up there for nothing and my language in my texts became much more colorful. No response. I was pissed. All I could do is drive back home without the computer and wait for it to be delivered. Fortunately, it arrived the next day and it was in good condition with no damage.
I’m relieved that everything turned out okay, but I’m still pissed about wasting half the day to drive up there for nothing. I have to write a review of this seller and even though it turned out okay, I’m still pissed about being lied to and driving to a nonexistent store. It’s not going to be pretty.