It’s Thursday. A couple nights ago I was checking out a list of movie suggestions on Amazon Prime. At the top of the list was a movie called Zombeavers. It’s a movie about a bunch of radioactive zombie beavers preying on a group of innocent high school girls on vacation in the country. Sounds interesting, right? As it turns out, it was! Sure, it was stupid and extremely low-budget, but that’s what made it so damn fun! Check it out if you get the chance.
Okay, on with the actual beaver sighting. This one comes from a reader in Duluth, Minnesota, who found this shaved beaver kit. Now, I’ve seen a lot of shaved beavers in my time, but never one quite like this. Shaved or not, it’s a confirmed beaver sighting.
Beaver Sighting
Okay, on with the actual beaver sighting. This one comes from a reader in Duluth, Minnesota, who found this shaved beaver kit. Now, I’ve seen a lot of shaved beavers in my time, but never one quite like this. Shaved or not, it’s a confirmed beaver sighting.