It’s Monday. That was the nicest weekend we’ve had this year. Here in Illinois it hit 81 degrees and it was sublime! Breathtaking. Grand. Splendid. Superb. Awesome. Glorious. Impressive. Marvelous. Wonderful. Yeah, all of those. And no, I’m not being paid by the word. Hell, I’m not being paid at all!
The girlfriend is doing well. She’s had very little swelling and practically no bruising. She’s been getting around with a walker and had her first post-operative shower. She seems to have a handle on the pain, but physical therapy begins today and they warned her that there will be pain—and a lot of it.
I enjoyed being outdoors most of the weekend. I washed the van, did a bunch of reading, and listened to the Nascar race in Texas. My parents brought over a huge lasagna, Italian sausage, salad, garlic bread and home-made brownies. That was damn nice and tasted amazing! Appetizing. Delectable. Epicurean. Luscious. Mouthwatering. Palatable. Scrumptious. Yummy.
The girlfriend is doing well. She’s had very little swelling and practically no bruising. She’s been getting around with a walker and had her first post-operative shower. She seems to have a handle on the pain, but physical therapy begins today and they warned her that there will be pain—and a lot of it.
I enjoyed being outdoors most of the weekend. I washed the van, did a bunch of reading, and listened to the Nascar race in Texas. My parents brought over a huge lasagna, Italian sausage, salad, garlic bread and home-made brownies. That was damn nice and tasted amazing! Appetizing. Delectable. Epicurean. Luscious. Mouthwatering. Palatable. Scrumptious. Yummy.