It’s Monday. Holy crap! It was in the low 80s on Friday and by Saturday night a cold front came through and dropped the temperature to only 41 degrees. On top of that we’ve had rain and windy conditions for most of the weekend. Thankfully, on Saturday the rain held off through the afternoon which allowed me just enough time to wash the Corvette and get it into storage. It sucks that it has to go away until spring, but I’m relieved that it’s done.
And speaking of shitty weather, they’re predicting our first bout with the horrid white stuff on Tuesday—Halloween! It happened back in 2019 and they postponed Halloween due to snow and frigid temperatures. And now it appears that history may repeat itself. I’m not ready for winter… not this damn soon.
We went out into the rain on Saturday night for one last Halloween cruise. The first places we went was a place that I accidentally stumbled upon last year. They’re called Pumpkin Riot and I love their work because everything they do is hand made and creepy as hell. The level of detail is beyond anything else I’ve seen. I felt bad for them last year because we were the only ones there. This year it was packed with carloads of people young and old. It was great seeing that their hard work was being appreciated. I assembled a few of the photos we took into a gallery below. And if you would like to learn more about them, check out the Pumpkin Riot facebook page. Enjoy!
I’ll be heading over to my parent’s place to hand out candy to all the little ghouls and goblins that decide to brave the weather. I’m not expecting much but we’ll see how it goes.
I put together another gallery of photos (below) from our most recent Halloween cruise. Enjoy!