It’s Tuesday. Here we go—it’s Independence Day here in the States and that means there will be numerous cookouts and lots of stuff blowing up. And speaking of things that go boom, remember to be safe while celebrating and try not to blow off any appendages. You don’t want to spend the day in the emergency room getting things stitched back on. Nobody wants to be that guy. So be careful and have a good 4th everyone!
Oh! I almost forgot! I put together a special 4th of July collection of babes for today! I went with a total of 50—that’s one for every state! Enjoy!
Got All Ten?
I hope everyone had a good 4th. Mine was all about the cookout. The girlfriend and I spent the afternoon at my parent’s place where the food is always aplenty. There were burgers, brats, Italian sausage, and lots to drink. And as always, the food was spectacular and everyone had a good time.
We had some serious heat over the past few days. We didn’t get triple digit heat, but it was easily in the 90s with a fair amount of humidity as well. Supposedly storms are on their way today and will cool things down significantly.
Could sure go for another burger right about now…