It’s Thursday. It’s not quite the weekend yet but it’s so close you can almost taste it. Today I’m featuring an image that is in the style of the “Where’s Waldo” series, only it won’t be a weird kid in a stocking cap that you’re looking for. The challenge is to find the 3 tiny hearts hidden among all the roses. It took me roughly 9 minutes to find all 3 of them. I don’t know if that’s a good or bad time, but I’m guessing many of you will likely get it much quicker. Go ahead and give it a shot! (Click on the image to enlarge)
Weekend Finally
It’s been a long day so I’m going to keep this short. I have some new amateur goodness to feature for today. The person who sent it in wasn’t happy with the quality, but I don’t think that it’s all that bad. And since it does happen to be Friday, the babes and jokes are doubled! Have a good weekend!
Keeper, I’m not good with computers so please be nice! I couldn’t get pictures from my phone to my computer to upload to you, so I used the built in webcam. It sucks but it was the best I could do right now. I promise that I will somehow figure this all out soon. I hope that you decide to show it anyway or my feelings will be hurt! -Anonymous