It’s Tuesday. Well, if you haven’t picked up something for your special someone yet, then you better get it in gear because Valentine’s Day is here. And lucky you, I just happen to have a collection of vintage Valentine’s Day cards below. Feel free to print them out and use them if needed.
What do I have planned for tonight, you ask? I made reservations at a swanky Italian restaurant for us. It should be a nice night.
Oh, and what would Valentine’s Day be without a special collection of babes & jokes for today. Enjoy!
Midweek Amateur Goodness
Today I have some mighty fine amateur goodness to share with all of you. It’s nothing fancy or complicated… it’s just right. I think most of you will agree. Enjoy!
Keep, I’m a long time fan but this is my first time sending in. I don’t know why it hadn’t occurred to me earlier, but better late than never I suppose. She’s my girl and she’s got a fantastic ass and she knows it! -Anonymous