It’s Tuesday. Sick, sick, sick. I haven’t had a cold in roughly 3 years and so far this one hasn’t been completely awful, so for that I’m grateful. I have some congestion in my head and chest but my sore throat has disappeared. I don’t have much of an apatite which is fine because nothing tastes good anyway. The part that pisses me off the most is how difficult it is to concentrate on anything. For instance, just writing this update is taking twice as long than usual. Even movies don’t hold my interest. All I can do is hope this passes quickly. Oh, and NyQuil is a gift from the Gods! I slept hard last night, way better than I expected.
I came across some holiday inspired photos several days ago. I really liked them so I thought possibly some of you would as well. Enjoy.
All Lit Up!
I came across some holiday inspired photos several days ago. I really liked them so I thought possibly some of you would as well. Enjoy.