Spooky Goodness

It’s Wednesday. Another gorgeous day down here in Panama City Beach. We decided to take a drive along the coast yesterday and ended up in Destin, Florida. Nice town with a beautiful beachfront. We stopped at the Crab Trap Seafood & Oyster Bar for some drinks and dinner. We had some great food with a beautiful view of the beach and ocean. We made it back to our condo in time to see an incredible sunset from our balcony. I’ll feature a few photos from the trip later in the week.

Time to switch gears—Today I have a collection of spooky artwork entitled  “Stranger from the swamp” by @strangerfromtheswamp. Cool creepy stuff… enjoy!


Stranger Things House–Shut Down

It’s Tuesday. I lived in a house situated at the top of of a fairly steep hill for many years. Directly across the street was a park that many in the neighborhood and surrounding neighborhoods would bring their kids to sled down in the winter. It wasn’t an official “sledding park” so there was basically nowhere to park. So, parents would just park their vehicles along the side of the road. My driveway happened to be in the perfect location for parents needing to turn around after dropping off the kids. Every time it snowed our driveway was used for hundreds of turn-arounds. It didn’t bother me. I didn’t threaten anyone with a bat. It could take a moment or two when I needed to leave or come home but it wasn’t a big deal.

So much for the spirit of Halloween.


Neighbors Call Cops on Floating Max Halloween Display- Family Shuts It Down

An awesome family in Plainfield, Illinois, going viral for their incredible Halloween display (including the hyper-viral floating Max from ‘Stranger Things’ ) had to shut down last night due to an unhappy neighbor.

From posts on TikTok and Facebook the husband, Dave Kedzie, announced a neighbor had been swinging a baseball bat at someone who pulled into his driveway to turn around. The neighbor called the police multiple times and out of an abundance of caution the family is pulling the decorations down.

They spent more than 1500 hours of hard work on this incredible display that garnered attention all over the world- especially for the floating Max which seemed to have everyone pondering how it was done.

The family worried the neighbor will do something to harm folks visiting their display, and they wanted to keep everyone safe by shutting down permanently. Sad day for all of us who love the creativity and the spirit of Halloween.

The Beach

It’s Monday. Life is good in Panama City Beach. This is a view of the beach far below our condo. The weather has been nothing but clear blue skies with temperatures in the low 80s. I really couldn’t ask for better weather. Today I’m looking forward to having some seafood. Maybe some shrimp or grouper… or both!

It was so nice outside, I was able to watch the Nascar Talladega race from out on the balcony yesterday. I had some munchies, a margarita, and plenty of sun while enjoying the race. And what a race it was! Chase Elliott, son of Bill Elliott, took the checkers in a rare Talladega race that was free of massive carnage. Just good racing and a hell of a lot speed. Wish they all could be that exciting.

Okay, it’s October so it’s time to dial up the creepy.


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