Stingray Goodness!

It’s Wednesday. Ahhh! Now that puts a smile on my face! Just take a look at this beautiful 1966 Corvette Sting Ray convertible in Sunfire Yellow. One of my readers found this stunning ’66 parked in his country club’s parking lot. It looks absolutely perfect sitting there bathed in the summer sun. Absolutely gorgeous. I can’t think of a more beautiful scene. You can check out more photos in the gallery below—and thanks for sending in and sharing your photos, Matt!


Hey Keep, saw this beauty at the country club last week. Wish it was mine, but maybe one day. Feel free to post. Keep up the great work! -Matt

Nope = Yep!


It’s Tuesday. I got a text yesterday from a friend asking if I wanted to go see the movie “Nope” by Jordan Peele. I like Jordan’s previous films like “Get Out” and “Us” so I was definitely up for it. I really like Peele’s style, he’s a master storyteller and in this movie he gets your attention immediately. The story starts out with two ranch owning siblings who are dealing with the death of their father, who was killed by strange objects falling from the sky. While investigating the cause, it quickly becomes more ominous. It’s ambitious and weird but that’s part of its charm. You never know where Peele is going to take the story and that’s a big part of the reason I like his work. If you’re a fan of his previous films, then you’ll definitely want to see “Nope”.


Steaming Weekend

It’s Monday. Holy crap did we ever have a wicked combo of heat and humidity over the weekend. It was in the 90s on Saturday and humid as hell. Every time I left the house the humidity would hit you like a truck as soon as you went out the door. Doing anything outside during mid-afternoon was just impossible. Even still, I’ll take this over the horrid white stuff any day!

It was strange not doing updates over the weekend but I liked having a break from it. I’ve been doing daily updates seven days a week since I started this site back in 1995. That’s a hell of a lot of work! I think taking weekends off is long overdue.

We had a fair amount of rain on Sunday, so it was easy to stay indoors and get some work done while watching the Nascar race in Michigan. It was cool seeing Harvick snap his winless streak and get another win for Stewart-Haas racing.


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