Amateur Goodness

It’s Tuesday. The heat is back in the Chicago suburbs, but at least it has been cooling off dramatically at night. It would be perfect sleeping weather to open up the windows and let that cool night air in… if it wasn’t for the girlfriend insisting that the air conditioner stay on 24/7.

I’m watching the Nascar race from Indy last Sunday while writing this update and it’s nuts! I don’t think I’ve ever seen this many spin-outs in a single race before! And I’m not even halfway through it!

Today I have a new amateur photo to share with all of you. It comes from a reader who, judging from this photo, is a damn lucky guy! Enjoy.


Keep, this place of yours is always my first visit of the day. I’ve told you that before but this time I have a amateur photo (gf) to go with the praise! It’s great to have a place like this to call home. -Anonymous

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