It’s Sunday! With Roe v. Wade recently overturned by the Supreme Court, this clip from George Carlin’s 1996 HBO special has been resurfacing on the net. The man had a killer wit and an uncanny ability to see through the bullshit. Strange how accurate this clip remains after 26 years.
It’s Monday. Not a bad weekend. We had rain on Saturday so I got a bunch of stuff done indoors. At night I caught the second race in the SRX series and it was a blast! The more I see, the more I love this series. It was cool watching Tony Stewart race his way to the checkers for the win! I’m already looking forward to next week’s race in Stafford Springs, Connecticut.
Sunday was very nice. I spent time playing with Abby in the yard, did some reading out in the sun while the girlfriend made brats for dinner. Damn tasty. I started watching the Nascar race in Nashville, but they had to stop the race after lighting was detected in the area. They got going again but… more lightning. And then came the rain. Apparently Mother Nature is not a Nascar fan.