Cannonball Documentary

It’s Wednesday. This is a fantastic documentary on the actual Cannonball Run race, the films, and its iconic star—the black Lamborghini Countach LP 400 S. It was just recently released and if you’re a fan like me, you’re going to love learning about the history behind the race and, of course, the newly restored black Countach!


Can’t Please Everyone


It’s Tuesday. True. So very true.


Done With It

It’s Monday. Okay, I’m ready for winter to be over now. No more frigid temperatures. No more of the horrid white stuff, thank you. Once the holidays are over there’s really no reason to keep this white stuff around anymore. And if it could warm up into the 80s, that would be much appreciated.

I hate this time of year. Now that the Chicago Bears are done for the season and Nascar doesn’t start until next month, there’s a huge void in my Sunday afternoon. The girlfriend is cleaning so I took Abby to the park to run and play in the snow. Being a sheepdog, she absolutely loves it outside because she’s got a thick and floofy coat. I on the other hand, do not. Yep, hate this time of year.

Looking forward to a nice big bowl of homemade minestrone soup tonight. Nothing is better on a cold winter day.


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