It’s Monday. In addition to the bitter cold, we got several inches of the horrid white stuff Saturday night. And now there’s more in the forecast starting early today. After the snow it’s going to get even colder. This winter crap is getting old and it’s only January.
So, Aaron Rogers and the Packers are done—no Superbowl? That’s so sad. My heart just breaks for them. (heavy sarcasm)
Caught a few movies over the weekend. The first was The Unforgivable on Netflix starring Sandra Bullock. It was very good, definitely worth seeing. The next was also on Netflix and starred Paul Rudd called I Love You, Man. It was funny in a wacky sort of way and packed with familiar faces. The final one was The River Murders on Amazon starring Ray Liotta. This was a very good detective drama that keeps you guessing throughout. Oh, and Netflix just released Part-1 of the 4th and final season of Ozark. I’m very much looking forward to that sometime later this week. If you haven’t seen Ozark, ya gotta check it out—it’s extremely good!
Louie Anderson
It’s Tuesday. Emmy winning comedian Louie Anderson sadly passed away from cancer on January 21st at the age of 68. In tribute, I thought I’d feature video of his very first appearance on television. It was on The Tonight Show back on November 20th, 1984. Enjoy.