It’s Sunday! We have a neighbor that started putting out their outdoor Christmas decorations the same damn day that they took down their Halloween decorations. It was only the day after Halloween! Seriously?
The girlfriend and I were on our way home from dinner last night and to my horror I discovered they aren’t the only ones! So many others have already put up their Christmas trees and outdoor decorations—and lit them all up! I know they say Christmas comes earlier every year, but that’s usually directed at commercial businesses trying to extend they’re sales window. What I’m seeing is residential folks totally blowing past Thanksgiving. It’s only early November!
Did I Miss Thanksgiving?
The girlfriend and I were on our way home from dinner last night and to my horror I discovered they aren’t the only ones! So many others have already put up their Christmas trees and outdoor decorations—and lit them all up! I know they say Christmas comes earlier every year, but that’s usually directed at commercial businesses trying to extend they’re sales window. What I’m seeing is residential folks totally blowing past Thanksgiving. It’s only early November!