It’s Friday! No, I didn’t die. And no, I didn’t get Covid. I’ve been dealing with an intestinal flu over the past week and couldn’t seem to kick it. Instead it continued to worsen and landed my ass in the hospital for several days while they pumped me full of antibiotics. It’s not completely gone but I’m progressing in the right direction now, so that’s a good thing. Now I wait to see how much my private insurance covers, or rather, what they’ll stick me with.
No doubt many of you are currently suffering from babe and joke withdrawal symptoms, so today I prepared a special collection of babes and jokes to help relieve your pain. Enjoy.
All Your Base Are Belong To Us
It’s Saturday! This is the latest video from Boston Dynamics showcasing the progressively spooky-amazing abilities of their robots learning parkour.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, these things are coming for us—Skynet is real—It may already be too late!