It’s Wednesday. I have some more summer toys to share with all of you. I know what you’re thinking and no, they’re not mine! These two Vette’s belong to Joe, a reader who has been around Corvettes since he was eight years old. He’s got a 1979 L-82 in Bright Yellow and a C5 in Electron Blue. I had two Vettes for a few years so I can say with experience, the hardest part of owning two Vettes is deciding which to drive! A big thanks to Joe for allowing me to share his toys with all of you.
Keep, Hey man I love your site I check it almost every day. So I wanted to share my babies with you cuz I know your a Vette guy. I’ve been around corvettes since my dad bought a new 73 when I was 8 years old. I’ve had Camaro’s and Trans Am’s but never a vette till 2009 then I bought the 79 L-82 4 speed. Then this year I got the Blue lady C5. I was going to sell the C3 but the wife said no and made me keep it (sucks right) so here I am. I love your site. Keep it up. Pun intended. -Joe
Summer Toys
Keep, Hey man I love your site I check it almost every day. So I wanted to share my babies with you cuz I know your a Vette guy. I’ve been around corvettes since my dad bought a new 73 when I was 8 years old. I’ve had Camaro’s and Trans Am’s but never a vette till 2009 then I bought the 79 L-82 4 speed. Then this year I got the Blue lady C5. I was going to sell the C3 but the wife said no and made me keep it (sucks right) so here I am. I love your site. Keep it up. Pun intended. -Joe