It’s Tuesday. We have a beaver sighting for today! Okay, some men are good with your standard hot beaver. Nothing too overly fancy but it gets the job done. And that’s totally fine. But for the more discriminate beaver aficionado, the average hot beaver just doesn’t cut it. For those who truly aspire, there is Extra Hot Beaver. It costs more, but for those who will accept nothing less on their meat, Extra Hot Beaver is the way to go.
Hey Keep, after all the turkey’s gone from Thanksgiving we like to shake it up with a prime rib for Christmas dinner. I have always felt that nothing goes better on your meat than an EXTRA HOT BEAVER. Thanks for a great site. -John
Beaver Sighting
Hey Keep, after all the turkey’s gone from Thanksgiving we like to shake it up with a prime rib for Christmas dinner. I have always felt that nothing goes better on your meat than an EXTRA HOT BEAVER. Thanks for a great site. -John