Another Pandemic Weekend

It’s Friday! As we head into yet another pandemic weekend, the CDC is requesting that people not travel over the Thanksgiving holiday. I think there will be some people who take the advice and stay home, but I’ll bet the majority will ignore it completely. My girlfriend and I both have parents in their 70s, so we’ll be having our turkey for two right here at home. It’ll suck not being together with family on Thanksgiving, but at least this way they won’t run the risk of catching the virus. Seniors and hospital workers are to be among the first to get the vaccine, so hopefully that’ll be happening soon.   

I can’t believe all the people who have already put up their Christmas tree and decked their house out with lights. It probably has a lot to do with the mild November weather we’ve been having lately. Still feels weird, though. I did manage to take advantage of the warm weather earlier in the week by getting the Vette ready for its winter slumber. It’s clean, covered, and put away until at least May of next year. It’s sad to see it go, but it would be even sadder seeing snow on it.

I hope everyone enjoyed the double babes & double jokes all week long. They’re back for today along with a two-fer of amateur photos… enjoy!


Keep, not long ago a friend turned me on to your website and I haven’t missed a day yet. I come with gifts that I hope you can share from my girl and me. Keep the fun coming and stay safe! -Anonymous

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