It’s Sunday! It’s no secret that I love this film. Watching Planes, Trains & Automobiles every Thanksgiving day has long been a tradition in my house. As with any movie, there’s always content that gets changed or altogether cut from the final theatrical release. However, in this mini-documentary it’s revealed that John Hughes’ original cut of the film was 3 1/2 hours long! Copies of the original script confirm that there was a remarkable amount of footage cut just to get the runtime under 2 hours. That means there’s more cut footage than what made it into the actual movie! So where is all this lost footage? This mini-documentary by Hats Off Entertainment looks to find out.
If you had trouble connecting to the website over the Thanksgiving holiday then I apologize for the inconvenience. I had to make some security adjustments and all is good now.
I was saddened to hear that David Prowse had died over the weekend. As the original Darth Vader, his relationship with Lucasfilm was uneasy from the very beginning for allegedly leaking story elements of the first three films to the press. His participation in The People Versus George Lucas, a documentary that painted George Lucas in a less than flattering light, certainly didn’t help the relationship. As a result, in 2010 Prowse was officially blocked from appearing at official Star Wars conventions. He maintained his innocence throughout his life. He was 85.
My weekend was good. The girlfriend got some Christmas decorations up and we checked out a few professional displays Saturday night. Got some more decorations up on Sunday and watched Christmas Vacation. And then there was the Bears game against the Packers. Let’s just say that it wasn’t good, for the Bears that is.
Oh! And all is good in the world again—Taco Doritos have returned to grocery shelves in my neighborhood!