It’s Wednesday. We take beavers seriously around here. So when a new beaver sighting is discovered by one of my intrepid readers, I like to feature it right here in my Daily Comments. I’ve seen a variety of Beaver Rubs over the years but never one that claims to be “World Famous in Canada.” That’s a mighty bold statement for any Beaver Rub, but Canadian’s really know their beavers so who am I to say? One question though. Do ya have to start with the original rub or can ya just jump right into the Spicy?
Hey Keep, Love your site, been a fan since pretty much the beginning, I have sent you photos in before, the one about Ottawa our nations capital that you used on your site. Well I was trolling FB and one of my friends posted the following photo, which I immediately thought would be one for you. It is an actual product in BC so yes we Canadians love our Beavers 🙂 -Bruce
Another Beaver Sighting…
Hey Keep, Love your site, been a fan since pretty much the beginning, I have sent you photos in before, the one about Ottawa our nations capital that you used on your site. Well I was trolling FB and one of my friends posted the following photo, which I immediately thought would be one for you. It is an actual product in BC so yes we Canadians love our Beavers 🙂 -Bruce