Memorial Day

It’s Monday. I’ll be heading over to my parents place on this Memorial Day for some beer, burgers, and hotdogs. It will be a small group of just a couple of family members so everyone can maintain some distance. Hopefully the weather will cooperate so we can enjoy the day out on the deck.

Enjoy the holiday but don’t forget about the men and women who died protecting the freedoms that we all enjoy. On this day we honor and remember their sacrifice.


Go Racing!

It’s Sunday! Normally this day would be what I like to call the high-holy day of racing. Two of the biggest American races; the greatest spectacle in racing, the Indianapolis 500 and Nascar’s longest race, the Coca-Cola 600 would normally be run today. However, since nothing is normal anymore due to Covid-19, the Indy 500 has been postponed until August because they didn’t want to run it without fans in the stands. Nascar, on the other hand, agreed to not allowing fans at the race and to additional restrictions to keep everyone from the drivers, crew, and broadcasters safe. So it’ll be a little different, but at least the race will go on!  


Alice Cooper

It’s Saturday! Here’s something you don’t see every day! Alice Cooper, The Godfather of Shock Rock, has released a new single called “Don’t Give Up” and even followed it up with a video. He says that it’s about what we’ve all been going through right now and about keeping our heads up and fighting back together. Give it a listen and see what ya think! 


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