Week-long Amateur Goodness

It’s Monday. I got out on Saturday to run a few errands and pick up some groceries. I normally use Walmart’s online ordering and pickup, but lately its been getting difficult to get decent pickup times. So, I decided to try Meijer’s online ordering and it was pretty good. They have a feature that tells you up front what the earliest pickup times are before you even start building your list. That’s really nice. Even better was they had everything on my list in stock. Will definitely try them again.

On Sunday I slept in, had some eggs & bacon, and then checked out the Nascar iRacing event at the Richmond Speedway. It was a good race and as far as I know nobody lost their job or said anything controversial. That said, lets move on to next week’s race at Talladega! 

One of my readers sent in a collection of amateur goodness recently. I thought instead of putting up all the photos at once, why not spread out the love and feature one every day of the week starting today. Enjoy!


Hi Keep, I’m following you from the beginning and every day enjoy your posts. Attached some nice shots from the girlfriend, she didn’t mind to share with you and all your followers. She is a truly Fun Girl. stay safe. -Anonymous

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