It’s Sunday! The RedBull Racing F1 pit crew recently pulled off a record setting 1.86 second pit stop, proving they’re the best on the planet. And when you’re the best on the planet, there’s only one way to go—up! Proving that even gravity can’t hold them down, they set out to prove their skills in zero gravity. The team took their 2005 RB1 car to the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City and proved that the sky really is the limit by completing a pit stop in zero gravity! Check out the video to watch them pull it off at 33,000 feet!
Redbull Zero-G F1 Pitstop
It’s Sunday! The RedBull Racing F1 pit crew recently pulled off a record setting 1.86 second pit stop, proving they’re the best on the planet. And when you’re the best on the planet, there’s only one way to go—up! Proving that even gravity can’t hold them down, they set out to prove their skills in zero gravity. The team took their 2005 RB1 car to the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City and proved that the sky really is the limit by completing a pit stop in zero gravity! Check out the video to watch them pull it off at 33,000 feet!